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Squibb Building 
(New York City) 
First Leasehold 1944 Sinking Fund 6%% Bond Certificates 
Amount: $4,500,000. 
Dated: July 1, 1929. 
Maturity: July 1, 1944. 
Interest: January and July 1. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal--Minn.,, Montana, Penn,, Conn.,, Vermont, 
Calif, Oklahoma, Maryland, Dis. of Col, Mich., Colo., Kas. 
Ky., Wyoming, Nebraska, Virginia, New Hampshire, Mass. 
Redemption: For Sinking Fund 101—otherwise 102. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank & Trust Company. 
Appraised: Kenneth Slawson Hobbs, Inc., $6,800,000. 
Assessed 1930: Land, $4,200,000; building not completed. 
Security: Leasehold estates in plot of ground on the southeast 
corner of 58th Street & 5th Avenue, 118914” x 200’, irregu- 
lar, area 21,929 square feet—subleased by Obligor from an 
original lessee. Lease expires in 1950, with two 21-year 
renewals, ground rental, after 1932, to maturity of bonds, 
is $295,000 per annum, Option to original lessee to purchase 
fee, after May, 1939, at an appraised value, but not less 
than $4,915,000. Frederick Brown, president of original 
Lessee, guarantees to sub-lessee (Obligor on these certifi- 
cates) performance of all the terms and provisions of the 
original lease, including purchase of fee. The site is im- 
proved with a 32-story stores, office and showroom build- 
ing, completed within last few weeks. Building opened 
May 1, 1930. Property well situated, and rentals to date 
are approximately 50%, in addition to pending leases. 
Allerton New York Corporation 
First Fee 5%% 1947 S. F. Bond Certificates 
Amount: $4,250,000; retired, $116,500: outstanding, $4.133.500. 
Dated: January 1, 1927. 
Maturity: January 1, 1947. 
Interest: January and July 1st. 
Denceminations: $1,000 and $500.

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