Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

BEleetro-medical ap- 
paratuses. Exp. 120 
Eleetro-medical ap- 
paratuses. lImp. 203 
Eleetro technical 
supplies, Imp. 181 
Elements. Manfrs, e 
Enamelled iron - 
signs. Manfrs, 78 
Enamelled vesseles. 
Iimp 189 
Enamelled, vessel- 
Mamfrs, 70 
ingineers supplies, 
Imp. 195 
Ungravers produ- 
ces. Manfrs. 55 
Envelopes. Manfrs, 51 
Envelopes. Exp. 113 
Essences, lainp 150 
Bssences for rum 
and liaueur. 
Manfrs. 23 
Essential oils 
4ssential oils. 
Imp. o 
Essential oiis. 
Manfrs. 57 
Ether. Exp. / 115 
Ether. Mamnfrs. 57 
Ether. fruit. 
Mamnfrs. 26 
Extracts of bakery. 
Mamfrs. 4 
Zxpedition (dispat- 
chers) 220 
Explosives, Imp. 150 
Explosives. Manfrs.. 57 
Fancy goods. Imp, 207 
"ancy goods in leat- 
her, Imp. 136 
Fancy goods, in 
leather. Manfrs, 27 
Fat acids, Imp. 154 
Fans. Manfrs. 51 
Feeding stuffs, 
imp 129 
Felt hats, Exp. 119 
Film. Exp. 122 
Films. Imp. _ 206 
Finishers establish- 
inents 28 
Firearms. Imp. 187 1 
Fire clav anaterial, 
Iinp. 1346 | 
ire extinguishing | 
apparatus, i 
Manfrs 68 
ire extineuishing 
apparatuses. Exp, 119 
Fire extinguishing 
apparatuses and 
apvliances, ' 
Imp. . 196 
BFishes BExp. . 96 
Fishes sea. Exp. 96 
tishine nets 
Manpfrs. 29 
Flooring parauet 
Exp. 105 
floorine& parquet, 
Mantfrs. 1 
Floorine wax. 
- Manfrs. : 67 
Flooring strip. 
Manfrs, 7 
Flour. Imp. 125 
Flour. Bxp. 85 
Flour for chil- 
dren. Manfrs. 4 
Flowers. linp: 205 
Flower. Artif, -, 
Mamfrs. 81 
Flowers of pyrethre, 
Exp. 85 
Mantrs.. 57 
Fly cathers. 
Manfrs. 61 
Forks and spoons. 
Manfrs, 70 
Forks and spoons, 
Exp. . 120 
Forks and spoons. 
Imp. . 184 
Exp. 115 
Manfrs. 57 
Eoundries 72 
fountain pens. Exp. 122 
E'ountain pens 
Manfrs, 84 
Frames Imn 134 
rames Exp 105 
trames. Manfrs. 11 
tresh meat. Exp. 95 
#resh fruits Exp, 93 
fruit conserves,. 
Manfrs. 6 
Fruit destillates 
Exp. 99 
Fruit destillates 
Manfrs. 26 
&ruit ether. Manfrs 926 
t'ruits and vege- 
tables Imp. 126 
Fruits dried, Exp, 92 
iruits fresh. Exp 98 
dur. Exp. 112 
fur goods, Manfrs 34 
fur and fur goods. 
Imp 137 
Furniture, lanp. 135 
Furniture, Manfrs, 14 
Furniture (brass). 
Manfrs, 72 
Furniture. bent- 
wood. Exp. 105 
Furniture. bent- 
wood —. Manfrs, 14 
Furniture (Iron), > 
Mantfrs, 76 
Eurniture for 
offices. Mamfrs. 18 
Furniture, wIcker- 
ware -, Manfrs. i4 
Kusel oil Exp. 116 
W'usel oil, Manfrs 62 
Gdaiters Manfrs. 27 
zall nuts, Exp. 94 
all nuts. Imp, 129 
gGalvanizime 70 
James FExp. 4 
Gardinen. Manfrs 32 
3arters, Manfrs, 35 
3as works 63 
Gases mineral. 
Manfrs. 21 
Gas .oil. Manfrs. 63 
Germs of malt and 
.dregs. Exp. 92 
Glassgrindings 49 
Glass lamps. Exp, 114 
Glass painters > 50 
Glass. plate. Imp. 144 
Glass and porcelain 
goods. Imp. 143 
Glas&. technical, 
Imp. 144 
Glass- window. 
Manfrs. 49 
Glass works, Manfrs, 49 
Glazters putty. 
Manfrs 65 
Gloves of leather, 
Manfrs, 21 
Glucose. Manfrs. 1 
Glue piece, Exp. 122 
Gold an silver. 
goods. Imp. 196 
Gold and silver 
gods. Manfrs. 76 
Gramopnhone dise, 
records, Exp. 122 
uGranite  Manfrs. 38 
Granhic art. esta- 
blishments of 55

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