Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Light oil, Manfrs, 67 
Lignite. Ex. 118 
Lime, Manfrs. 42 
Lime hydrate. 
Manfrs. 58 
Linden charcoal of -, 
Manfrs. 10 
Linen. Exp. 119 
Limen. Manfrs. 30 
Linen clasps. 
Mamfrs. 15 
Linotype metals. 75 
Linseed oil. Imp. 147 
Linseed  oils. 
Mantrs, 60 
Liquors. Exp. 98 
Liauors: Imp 133 
Liquors. Manfrs. 23 
Lljauer essences. 
Mamfrs. , 2 
Litographers 53 
Lithographic sto- 
nes. Imp. 146 
Lock smithes ar- 
ticles. Exp. 120 
Loek smithes arti- 
eles.. Imn 179 
Lock smijithes ar- 
ticles. Manfrs, 68 
Lohsol carbolineum, 
Manfrs. 61 
Lubricating grease. 
Manfrs . 59 
Lubricating grea- 
ses. and oils, 
Manfrs. 61 
Lustre Manfrs. 72 
Lye Manfrs. 61 
Lysol, Imp. 153 
Machine knifes, 
Manfrs. 75 
Machinery electric, 
Manfrs. 78 
Machimery manufac- 
iurer's supplies. 
Manfrs. 75 
Maize. Expr. 88 
Maize. Imp. 127 
Malt, Manfrs. . 24 
Malterin Manfrs, 61 
Marble, Manfrs. 38 
Marble. Imp. 146 
Margarine. Manirs, 2 
Marking (Stamp) 
inks, Manfrs, Ji 
Markimg inks pads. 
Mantfrs. 58 
Masks 51 
Mastic. Manfrs. 56 
Matehes, Mamifrs. 
Mlanure. artif —- 
Manure chemical. 
Meats. Manfrs. 
Meat fresh. Exp 
Meat. machines. 
Meat produces. 
Medical. elektro- 
Manfrs. 81 
Medical sweets, 
Exp. 115. 
Medicines, Imp. 153 
Mlediicines Manfrs. 60 
Medicinal herbs. 
Exn 116 
Medicinal soap, 
Manfrs. 64 
Metal counteis for 
dogs. Manfrs. 74 
Metal polish. 
Manfrs. , 65 
Metal working 
machines, Imp. 193 
Metallic caskes and 
drums. Manfrs, %76 
Methylated spirit; 
Exp. 116 
Methylated spirit. 
Manfrs. 61 
Vlilk produets, Imp, 127 
Milk products, 
Manfrs. 2 
Mill maechineries, 
Imp 192 
Millet Exp. 90 
Millet. Imp. 128 
\lilliners' ware. 
imp. 169 
\lills 2 
Mlillstones, Imp. 146 
Vlillstones. Manfrs, 38 
Mineral colors, Exp. 115 
M\lineral colors, 
Manfrs. 67 
Mineral gases. 
Manfrs. 21 
Mineral oils. Imp. 157 
Mineral oil. Mamfrs. 21 
Mineral water. Imp. 133 
Mineral water. 
Mamfrs. 21 
Mirrors. Imp. 145 
Mirrors. Manfrs. 50 
Mlorse colors. 
Manfrs 61 
Mosaie tiles. 
Manfrs. 38 
Motor eyeles. Iimp, 202 
Motor saw s: Manfrs, 74 
Motors. Imp. 185 
Motors. Manfrs, 78 
Mother of pearl, 
Manfrs. 82 
Moutings. Imp. 187 
Moutings, Manfrs, 73 
Multiplying appa- 
ratuses, mp. 193 
Muriatlje acid. Imp_ 1506 
Mushrooms. Exp. 85 
Musie dealers, 
Imp. 139 
Music instruments, 
Manfrs. 82 
Music instruments, 
Imp. 204 
Music instruments 
Exp 122 
Nacre butions. 
Manfrs. : 82 
Nails, Imp. 180 
Nails, Manfrs. 68 
Nails horse Exp. 120 
Vaphtaline. Imp. 154 
Naphtaline Manfrs, 62 
Naphte. Imp 154 
Neatsfoot oils, 
Manfrs. 59 
Neckties Manfrs. . 36 
Nitrie acid. Imp. 149 
Von alcoholic 
drinks. Manfrs. 22 
Nurnberg articles, 
Imp. 166 
Nuts. Exp. 89 
Oars. Bxp 108 
Jars Manfrs, 18 
Jat, Exp. 93 
Jats. Imp. 130 
UQffice furniture of - 
iron, Imp. 197 
Office furniture, 
Mamfrs, 18 
Office and shool >" 
supplies Imp. 140 
Oil cake, Exp. 93 
Oil cake. Manfrs, 6 
Oil clothes. Imp. 173 
Oil creosote, 
Manfrs. 60 
Obl of linseed. Imp., 147 
Oil, mineral Manfrs. 21 
Oil paints. Manfrs, 60 
Oil, tar. Manfrs, 59

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