Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Qil seeds, Exp. 92 
Oil seeds. Imp. 129 
OQil vegetable, 
Manfrs, 6 
Oils. lnseed, 
Manfrs. 60 
Oils white. Manfrs, 56 
Oleine acid. Manfrs, 62 
Optical gods. 
Imp. 209 
Exp. 116 
Oriental goods, 
Exp. 123 
Oriental goods. 
[mp. 209 
xen and calves. 
Exp 97 
Oxydation 72 
Jxygen gas. 
Manfrs 59 
Packing cases. Exp., 105 
Packing cases, 
Manfrs. 14 
Paint. Manfrs. 67 
Paints oil. Manfrs, 60 
Paper. lmp. 139 
Paper. Manfrs. 51 
Paper copving. 
Exp. 113 
?aper copyine. 
Manfrs. 51 
?aper. indigo. 
Manfrs. 50 
?aper. indigo — 
Exp. 113 
Paper wrapping. 
Manfrs 51 
?apier machć, ar- 
ticles of, Manfrs. 50 
Paper for letters. 
Exp 113 
Paraffin  Imp. 154 
Paraffin. Manfrs. 62 
Parauet flooring. 
Exn 105 
laraquet filooring. 
Manfrs. 11 
Parasols. Imp., 161 
Pastes. Manfrs. 6 
Patent pencils. 
Manfrs. 84 
Peas. Exp. 86 
Peas Imp. 125 
Perfumes. Manfrs. 62 
rerfumery lmp 154 
Petroleum, Manfrs, 62 
Petroleum Imp 155 
products, Manfrs, 57 
Phosphate. Imp. 151 
Photographic appa- 
ratus and material, 
Imp.. 206 
Physical instruments. 
Imp 203 
Pig. iron, Exp. 121 
Pig iron. Mamfrs. 74 
Pine oil. Manfrs. 62 
Pins of celulloid, 
Manfrs. 83 
Piseiculture etablish- 
ments 1 
Piteh. artif., 
Manfrs. 65 
Piteh. Exp. 116 
Piteh. Manfrs 64 
Plate glass. Imp. 144 
Plants for transplan- 
ting 4 
Plates of plaster 
Manfrs. 42 
Ploughs Imp. 183 
Ploughs. Manfrs, Tu 
Ply wood. Imp. 139 
Poles. telegraph. 
Ex. 106 
Poles. telegraph —. 
Manfrs 16 
Pompei red color 
Exp. 115 
Pompei red color, 
Manfrs. 68 
Porcelain goods. 
Imo 143 
Potash Manfrs. 63 
Potatoes. Exp. 87 
Potatoes. lmp. 126 
Poultry d 
Poultry. Exp. 96 
Preserve (wood) 
means  Manfrs. 64 
Pressed-paper. Exp. 113 
Printer's Roller com- 
cosition, Manfrs. 64 
Printing. blocks. 
Manfrs. 53 
Printing inks. 
Exp. 114 
Printing inks. 
Manfes. 65 
Printing& machines, 
Imp. 194 
Printing offices 53 
Printing varnish, 
Manfrs. 57 
Pumns. lump 191 
Puttv glaziers. 
Pyrotechnie pro- 
ducts 62 
Quarrieš 38 
Quilts, Manfrs. 29 
Radio apparatus, 
Imp. . 190 
Rado apparatus. 
Manfrs. si 
Rags, Exp. 119 
Rails and switehs. 
Manfrs. 75 
Railwav and bridges, 
of — 41 
Railwav materials 
ior industry. 
[mp. 197 
Railwav signal 
supplies, Manfrs, 1 
Railway. signal 
supplies  Exp. 120 
Railway sleepers 
(of beech), Exp., 110 
Railwav sleepers (of 
beech). Manfrs. 20 
Railwav sleepers: 
(of oak). Exp. 109 
Railway sleepers 
(of oak), Manfrs, 20 
Railway switch, 
crossing and brid- 
ge builders mate- 
rial  Exp. 106 
Railwav switch and 
erossing material, 
Manfrs, 15 
Ranges and stoves. 
Imp 194 
Rasps Manfrs. 1D 
Reaction f, analyse 
Manufrs 63 
Refrigeranting ma- 
ehinery. Imp. 191 
Relief pictures. 
Manfrs 52 
Religions articles, 
Reauisites of wood 
for  household, 
Exn 103 
Requisites of wood 
f. household. 
Manfrs. 10 
Resin. Imp 155 
Resin oil. Manfrs, 67 
Ribbons (cotton). 
Manfrs. 20 

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