Full text: American debt

15th December ~— 
Annual instalments to 
be paid on account of 
Provided, however, that Great Britain may at its option, 
upon not less than ninety days’ advance notice, postpone 
any payment of principal falling due as hereinabove pro- 
vided to any subsequent 15th June or 15th December, not 
more than two years distant from its due date, but only on con- 
dition that if Great Britain shall at any time exercise this option 
as to any payment of principal, the payment falling due in 
the next succeeding year cannot be postponed to any date more 
than one year distant from the date when it becomes due, unless 
and until the payment previously postponed shall actually have 
been made, and the payment falling due in the second succeeding 
year cannot be postponed at all unless and until the payment of 
principal due two years previous thereto shall actually have been 
In the event of Great Britain issuing bonds to the United 
States in payment of interest accruing between 15th December, 
1922, and 15th December, 1927, as proposed in paragraph 3 
above, the bonds so issued shall contain provision for the payment 
of their principal before maturity through annual instalments 
on account of principal corresponding substantially to the 
schedule of payments on account of principal appearing in the 
Table hereinabove get forth. 
7. Payments before Maturity. 
Great Britain may at its option, on any interest date or dates, 
upon not less than ninety days’ advance notice make advance 
payments of principal, in addition to the payments required to 
be made by the provisions of the bonds in accordance with 
paragraph 6 of this proposal. Any such additional paymenss 
shall first be applied to the principal of any bonds which 
shall have been issued hereunder on account of interest accruing 
between 15th December, 1922, and 15th December, 1927, and 
then to the principal of any other bonds which shall have been 
issued hereunder. Any payments made to the United States 
under this provision shall be in amounts of $1,000,000 or multiples 

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