Full text: Serb-Croat-Slovene war debt

Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of the 
Serb-Croat-Slovene Government to His Britannic 
Majesty’s Government in Great Britain. 
I'he undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Govern- 
ments, have agreed as follows :— 
1. In full and final settlement of the War Debt due by the 
Serb-Croat-Slovene Government to His Britannic Majesty's 
Government in Great Britain (hereinafter referred to as Great 
Britain), the amount of which debt as at the 1st January, 1927, 
has been agreed, after adjustment of all claims arising out of the 
War, at a net total of £25,591,428, tlie Serb-Croat-Slovene 
Government agree to pay, and Great Britain agree to accept, 
the following annuities, vig. :— 
In 1927 
In 1928 
In 1929 . . 
In 1930-35 inclusive 
In 1936-39 inclusive ee 
In 1940 and 1941 inclusive 
In 1942-88 inclusive m 
300,000 a year. 
350,000 a year. 
400,000 a year. 
600.000 a vear. 
Great Britain agree to accept the reduced annuities provided 
for above during the years 1927 to 1941 inclusive in view of the 
liabilities of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Government during those 
years in respect of the Relief Debt of £2,068,843 due to Great 
Britain, which are not affected by this agreement. 
2. The above payments shall be made in sterling at the Bank 
of England, London, in equal half-yearly instalments, the first 
half-yearly payment being made within one month after the 
conclusion of this agreement, and the subsequent payments being 
made on the 1st December, 1927, and on the 1st June and the 
1st December of each subsequent year. up to the 1st December, 
1988. inclusive. 
3. On or before the 30th September. 1927, the Serb-Croat- 
Slovene Government will issue and deliver in London to His 
Britannic Majesty's Treasury a Serial Bond, substantially in the 
form shown in the annex to this Agreement, in respect of each 
of the instalments to be paid under the provisions of Article 1 of 
this Agreement. The payments due under these Bonds shall be 
made without deduction for, and shall be exempt from, any and 
all taxes and other public dues, present or future, imposed by 
the authority of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Government or any 
political or local taxing Authority in the Serb-Croat-Slovene 
Kingdom. Interest at the rate of 6 per cent. shall be charged 
on anv instalment due and not paid at the due date.

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