Full text: The Demand for Empire butter

The increase in the percentage of shops stocking three or more types of butter 
uring the Second Survey appears to have been due to shops stocking imported butters 
n the winter to make up their supplies through the falling off in the quantity of local 
outter available. 
TABLE 2.—Percentage of Shops stocking the various T ypes of Butter, 
Northern Ireland Farm 
irish Free State Creamery 
Packeted # .. 
Northern Ireland Creamery 
Danish , . .. 
Dairy .. . ee. 
Bulk-Blended .. ; 
Australian ae .. 
New Zealand. |. .. “i 
Swedish . = . 
First Survey. 
| June 12th—July 11¢n, 
Second Survey. 
Jan. 17th-Feb. 21st, 
A number of milk distributors in Belfast have shops or dairies for the sale 
of milk and butter. Surplus milk which is not required for sale in liquid form 
is churned by these firms on their OWN premises. This type of butter is referred 
to in this section as “Dairy ” butter. 
’ 2 I retail prices at which different types of butter were selling are shown in 
able 3. 
With the exception of Danish and dairy butter, prices were higher at the time 
of the Second Survey than at the First Survey. At the Second Survey Northern 
[reland creamery, Irish Free State Creamery and Danish were a]] selling at about the 
same price, with New Zealand and Australian about 14. per lb. cheaper. 
4. In both the First and the Second Surveys the type of butter most frequently 
stocked was farm butter. Measured by quantity sold, however, farm butter only 
sccupied fifth place at the First Survey, and sixth place at the Second Survey. Almost 
10 per cent. of the butter supply in summer consisted of Irish Free State Creamery 
butter, and in winter almost 40 per cent. of the supply consisted of Danish butter. 
Whereas Irish Free State creamery, Northern Ireland creamery and Northern 
[reland farm butter made up 76 per cent. of the total supply in the 
summer period, the supply in winter was made up to the extent of 71 per cent. 
by imported butter from Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and Sweden. Since 
practically all the packeted and dairy butter sold during the summer period was of 
Irish origin it is probably better to contrast the percentage of imported butter sold 
in the winter and summer periods. As compared with the 71 per cent. of Australian, 
New Zealand, Danish and Swedish butter sold at the time of the Second Survey, 
only one of these butters—Danish—wag found during the First Survey, and it 
represented only 3 per cent. of the total supply. 

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