Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

Another private station of importance is also located in west Java, 
the water-power station of the Malabar Tea Estate near Bandoeng, 
which has a capacity of 2,250 kilowatts. 
In central Java there are only, two hydroelectric stations of any 
importance. The water-power station Soesoekan on the River 
Toentang belongs to the ‘“Algemeene Nederlandsch-Indische Electri- 
citeit Maatschappij’” (A. N. I. E. M.) and was put into operation in 
1913 to supply Semarang and Salatiga. The station has six gener- 
ating units with a total capacity of 4,000 kilowatts. There is also the 
Government power station of Giringan near Madioen, on the River 
Tjatoer. This station was originally intended to supply energy to 
the Government railway workshops at Madioen, but in 1921 the 
municipal electric services of that town were also connected. The 
Giringan station began operations in 1927 and has a capacity of 740 
kilowatts. The demand for power by private parties has increased 
to such an extent that the Government plans further extensions to 
its Giringan plant. 
In east Java there is at present one large hydroelectric station, 
Mendalan, on the Kento River. This station, opened in 1928, sup- 
plies current to Soerabaya and the surrounding territory. It has a 
sapacity of 16,500 kilowatts and is the largest power station in the 
Netherland East Indies. The Mendalan station was constructed 
according to the plans and estimate of the Bureau of Water Power 
and Electricity, but it is operated by the ‘‘Nederlandsch-Indische 
Waterkracht Explaoitatie Maatschappij” (N. I. W. E. M.), a com- 
bine owned by the Government and A. N. I. E. M. 
Only one hydroelectric project of importance is planned for Java 
during the next few years. The Bureau for Water Power and Electri- 
city, in conjunction with the N. I. W. E. M., plans to construct a 
second hydroelectric station on the Kento River at Siman, which is 
below the present station. The bureau estimates that there is a 
potential supply of 30,000 horsepower at the proposed site, and the 
present plans call for the construction of a plant with four 7,500 
horsepower generators of which two will be installed at a later date. 
The actual construction of the proposed plant at Siman will probably 
not begin until 1931. 
For the present, both the Government and the public-utility com~ 
panies are interested in extending their transmission lines and im- 
proving their service rather than in the construction of new power 
plants. There are, however, projects in preparation for the supply 
of power in central and west Java, and when these are accomplished 
the main points of the island will have been marked out for an inter- 
sonnected system of hvdroelectrical services. 
Although the Outer Possessions are far richer in potential water- 
power resources than Java, the same degree of development hes not 
taken place there. At the end of 1928 only 8,700 horsepower was 
being utilized by plants actually in operation. All of the present 
hydroelectric installations located in the Outer Possessions are in 
Private industry has made more use of the water-power resources of 
the outer islands than either the Government or the public-utility com- 
hanies. Only one Government station has been erected, namely, the

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