Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

by the Government, the provincial government, and the municipality 
of Bandoeng. The book value of the entire undertaking, exclusive 
of renewal and reserve funds at the end of 1928, amounted to 4,865,000 
florins. During the same period, a gross revenue of 1,889,000 florins 
Li earned, and a dividend of 12} per cent was declared on ordinary 
shares. ; 
The G. E. B. E. O. buys most of its current in bulk from the Govern- 
ment hydroelectric stations in West Java; however, the company 
owns and operates small stations at Tjiandjoer and Garoet, a hydro- 
plant of 398-kilowatt capacity at the former, and a Diesel plant of 
326-kilowatt capacity at the latter. 
With an ample supply of energy available from the Government 
power plants, the G. E. B. E. O. Is concentrating on the extension 
of its transmission system. At the end of 1929 the company had 544 
kilometers of overhead wires as compared with 358 kilometers at 
the end of 1928. The total number of consumers at the end of 1929 
was slightly in excess of 24,000, of whom 10,996 were natives. At the 
end of the previous year the total number of native consumers was 
7,164. The increase during 1929 is an indication that as the distrib- 
uting systems of the public-utility companies are extended to the 
native kampongs (villages), a large increase in the number of consum- 
ers is to be expected. 
The S. E. M. has a concession for the supply of electric current in 
the Solo district in the eastern portion of central Java. The com- 
pany has a Diesel plant at Soerakarta (or Solo) of 2,238-kilowatt 
capacity and a small Diesel plant at Lasem of 420-kilowatt capacity. 
During 1930-31 the company plans to extend its high-tension lines a 
distance of 40 kilometers to supply small towns in the vicinity of 
Soerakarta. At the present time the S. E. M. is furnishing light and 
power to five villages. ‘1 
The S. E. M. is managed by J. C. Van Aaldaren, Batavia. The 
book value of the entire undertaking of the company was 1,577,000 
florins at the end of 1928. During the same year the S. E. M. shows 
a profit of 15 per cent on ordinary shares. 
The E. M. B. owns and operates three small Diesel plants in central 
Java in the Banjoemas districts. The company supplies electric 
current to the following towns: Tjilatjap, Soekaradja, Banioemas. 
Poerwokerto, Wonsobo, and Karanganjar. . 
The E. M. B. is also managed by J. C. Van Aaldaren of Batavia. 
Other less important public-utility companies are the Electriciteit 
Maatschappij Rembang, which supplies current to a few small towns 
along the north coast of central Java; the Electriciteit Maatschappij 
Sumatra, which holds concessions to supply light and power on the 
west coast of central Sumatra; the N. V. Boesoekische Electriciteit 
Maatschappij, which holds concessions for the extreme eastern por- 
tion of Java; and the N. V. Electriciteit Maatschappij Bali en Lombok, 
which supplies current to the villages on the islands of Bali and 
Lombok, located southeast of Java.

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