Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

chiefly because of prejudice on the part of the white population 
against them. American desk fans are gradually becoming more 
popular, owing to the activity of the local representative of an Amer- 
ican firm in persuading the electric light companies to advertise and 
distribute them. Other lines of American desk fans are handled by 
small Chinese importers. Firms desirous of exporting to the Nether- 
land East Indies should attempt to secure the services of one of the 
large importers who is in a position to sell to the Chinese shops and 
the electric light companies. The ceiling fans sold in the islands are 
chiefly of Italian origin, but their sales are not important. 
Electric refrigerators. —American electric refrigerators are becoming 
more popular, owing to the fact that the electric light companies are 
pushing sales and are giving favorable rates to consumers. At 
present there are three well-known lines firmly established on the 
market. Two of these lines are handled through importers and the 
other by the factory representative of an American company. Lower 
current rates and guarantees of service will undoubtedly tend to 
increase the sale of electric refrigerators in Java and Sumatra. 
Toasters, grills, electric stoves.—At present sales of this class of 
electric equipment are limited, and no great increase is expected in 
the demand for electric grills or toasters. The electric-light com- 
panies are educating the people to make greater use of electric stoves, 
and special rates and monthly installments are being quoted to 
arouse public interest. One of the large public-utility companies is 
conducting experiments with cheap German hot plates and stoves 
with a view to obtaining a cheap electrical device which the natives 
can use for cooking their rice. 
Washing machines.—Several American manufacturers have made 
unsuccessful attempts to secure. representation in Java for their 
electric washing machines. A few machines were imported by one 
of the large publicutility companies, but they still remain unsold 
after being in stock for several years. Only one hotel in Java has 
electric washing machines installed, and this was done more to 
attract American tourists than because of the advantages of having 
such equipment. 
Household labor is so cheap throughout the islands that it is really 
not practicable for residents to buy electric washing machines at a 
cost of from 300 florins to 400 florins plus maintenance, when a 
native washerwoman can be employed for 10 florins per month. 
In 1926 the railway from Tandjong Priok to Batavia and those in 
the vicinity of Batavia were electrified. In 1929 this service was 
extended to Buitenzorg, a distance of 40-50 kilometers. The final 
extension was made possible by the completion of a substation at 
Kedoengbadak. Only a few cars were put on this line at first, but as 
the traflic became heavier more were added. In 1929 the electric 
railways, which are Government owned and managed, covered 
165,000 kilometers, and the energy used amounted to 7,400,000 
kilowatt hours of alternating current of 6,000 volts and 4,900.000 
kilowatt hours of direct current of 1,500 volts. 
The current for the electric railways is generated in the Govern- 
ment hydroelectric plants at Oebroek and Kratjak, where the current 
is transformed from 6,000 to 70,000 volts and distributed to the over-

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