Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

In 1926 the population of the Netherland East Indies was esti- 
mated to be 51,013,878 inhabitants, of which 209,934 were Europeans, 
49,848,661 natives, and 955,283 foreign Asiatics. Java, which is one 
of the most densely populated areas in the world, was estimated to 
have 36,403,833 inhabitants, or about 717 per square mile. The 
population of the Outer Possessions was placed at 14,610,045, or 
about 21 per square mile. The principal cities of the Netherland 
East Indies are: 
datavia. . _ 
Surabaya... —— 
SeMArANT _ cma enna 
Soerakarta (Solo) eee. 
5 131 
"48, 961 
24, UB 
23, 620 
18, 954 
9 144 
NGOCNE we oem 
Jjokjakarta (Djocja).....__. 
DALAL. csiniesiisesmisieis sw 
10, 120 
58, 718 
15, 246 
15, 743 
9, 604 
2, 742 
3 198 
The transportation facilities of Java are adequate to serve the needs 
of the island in spite of the denisty of population. The same degree 
of development has naturally not taken place in the Outer Posses- 
sions, although Sumatra is well served by railway and bus lines in 
the more densely populated areas. Busses are now an important 
feature in the transportation system of Java. Road mileage through- 
out the territory is estimated at 36,200, of which over 25,000 miles 
represent improved highways of macadam construction. 
The principal railways in the islands are owned and operated by 
the Government. In addition, there are 19 private railway com- 
panies, the most important of which are the Netherland Indies Rail- 
road Co., which operates in central Java, and the Deli Railway Co., 
which operates on the east coast of Sumatra. The total length of 
Government and private railways in operation is approximately 7,300 
kilometers, of which 4,300 kilometers are Government operated. 
{One kilometer equals 0.62137 mile.) 
Connection with Europe is maintained by two lines of fast mail 
steamers owned by Dutch companies. The interisland trade is 
entirely in the hands of the Koninklije Paketvaart Mij., a Dutch 
company. The latter company also maintains a regular service 
between Java ports and Singapore and Australian ports. There are 
also monthly [reight services direct from the west coast of the United 
States to Java ports. 
The chief ports of the Netherland East Indies are Surabaya, 
Batavia, and Semarang in Java; Modan and Palembang in Sumatra; 
and Makassar in the Celebes. These ports have modern equipment 
installed to facilitate the handling of cargo and meet all of the require- 
ments of the present shipping traffic. In Java the ports are well 
connected with the commercial, producing, and consuming centers in 
the interior by a system of railways, canals, and roads. 
The Netherland East Indies were among the first countries in the 
Far East to realize the possibilities of commercial aviation. Daily 
flights are now scheduled between the principal cities and a weekly 
service connects Singapore with Batavia.

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