Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

The total imports of electrical equipment into the Netherland East 
Indies during 1926, 1927, and 1928 amounted in value to 48,748,259 
florins, or almost $20,000,000. Of this amount, 78 per cent was 
imported into the island of Java, and the balance was taken by the 
islands of the Outer Possessions. Imports during 1928 were approxi- 
mately 70 per cent more in value than imports during 1926, an indi- 
cation of the increasing importance of the Netherland East Indies as 
a market for electrical equipment. 
During this three-year period the value of the imports of Govern- 
ment-purchased electrical equipment amounted to 24 per cent of the 
total, being valued at 11,851,622 florins. The value of imports by 
private firms amounted to 36,886,637 florins. 
The following table shows the value of imports of electrical equip- 
gs into the Netherland East Indies during the years, 1926-1928, 
[Value in florins 2] 
Territory and importer 
Java and Madura: 
Private SINS. cucu ssmmimsisss oa wa 
Government. _ 
Outer possessions: 
Private firms. ocean 
Total ____. 
Grand total _________ 
6, 653, 269 
2. 200, 937 
8. 854. 208 
2, 706, 152 
3, 078, 031 
11, 932, 237 | 
10, 225, 466 | 10,985,212 
3, 706, 40 4, 285, 274 
3.931, 506 + 15,270, 4868 
2,062,202 | 4,163,336 
430, 352 958, 140 
2,402,554 | 5,121,476 
16,424,060 | 20,391, 962 
1 Compiled from statistics of the Central Bureau of Statistics, 
21 florin (guilder) equals $0.402 in United States currency. 
An analysis of the imports of electrical equipment shows that 
Germany and the Netherlands supply approximately 80 per cent of 
the total, the United States 7 per cent, and the balance of 13 per 
cent comes from Great Britain, Swtizerland, France, Sweden, Italy, 
and Japan. No attempt is made to separate the amounts imported 
from the Netherlands and Germany. The import figures indicate 
that the former is the largest supplier, but the official statistics of 
the Netherland East Indics show shipments to the country where the 
goods were last traded in, rather than the country of origin. A 
large portion of the German purchases are made in the Netherlands 
by the secretaries of private companies, public-utility companies, and 
the Government purchasing bureau; the goods are thus sent through 
that country for shipment. These transshipments are credited to 
the Netherlands rather than Germany, thus distorting the trade 
figures somewhat in favor of the Netherlands. 
With few exceptions, Germany and the Netherlands supply the 
majority of all the classes of electrical equipment used in the Nether- 
land East Indies, particularly electric lamps, copper wire, motors, 
water turbines, transmission and distribution equipment, and wire-

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