Full text: Use and occupancy insurance

C3—The amount entered here represents the esti- 
mated results to be produced by the next twelve 
months operations and the basic estimate upon which 
the proper amount of Use and Occupancy insurance is 
predicated. As the next twelve months pass, it would 
be advisable to check this estimated amount against the 
actual operating results at intervals of not more than 
9odays. Then there can be made any necessary adjust- 
ment in the amount of Use and Occupancy insurance 
required to parallel the business trends which were 
unforeseen at the time the policy was written. 
Following this point, two work-out tables are avail- 
able, one for the Blanket Coinsurance form (Table 2) 
and one for forms other than the Blanket Coinsurance 
form (Table 3). [t is suggested that both tables be 
used in order to compare the premium cost of the Blan.- 
ket Coinsurance form with the premium cost of any 
other form. This, with a view to adopting the Blanket 
Coinsurance form wherever possible, even though one 
of the other forms might be considered suitable. 
Table No. 2 
This table is a guide for use in the adjustment of the 
Basic Estimate (Table 1—Step C3) for coverage under 
the Blanket Coinsurance form. It divides the Basic 
Estimate into the two items as required for coverage 
ander the Blanket Coinsurance form. 
Item I—Under this section of Table 2 are the steps 
necessary to arrive at the amount of insurance required 
under Item I of the Blanket Coinsurance form in order 
‘0 comply with the provisions of the Coinsurance Clause 
as it applies to Item I. The first amount entered is 
the Basic Amount (Table 1—Step C3). From this is 
deducted the combined cost of Full Annual Ordinary 
Payroll and the Full Annual Cost of Heat, Light and 
Power. The remaining difference is the amount of 
insurance necessary under Item I of the form. To 
this amount is applied the Item I rate which produces 
the premium cost for insurance under Item I. 
Item II—Under this section is inserted the amount of 
Full Ordinary Payroll for the largest go consecutive 
days of the year. To this amount is applied the Item II 
cate which produces the premium cost for insurance 
ander Item II (if desired). 
The final operation of this Table shows the total 
amount of insurance to be maintained under the

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