Full text: Peach culture in California

California produces all of the dried peaches and practically all of 
the canning peaches in the United States. Only a small part of the 
nation’s supply of fresh peaches, however, is produced in this state. 
The clingstone varieties are used primarily for canning, while the free- 
stone varieties are used primarily for drying and fresh consumption. 
Clingstones—During the past several years there has been a pro- 
nounced downward trend in the prices paid to growers for clingstone 
peaches. The average price in 1927 and 1928 was $21 a ton as 
against an average of $46 a ton in 1921 and 1922. The chief reason 
for this decline in price was the enormous increase in the canned pack 
which has doubled in the last eight years. Evidently, consumers 
would not buy as many canned peaches except at lower prices. 
Because of the very short crop of peaches, as well as of competing 
fruits in 1929, the price rose to $70 a ton. It should net be assumed, 
however, that similar short crops or high prices will prevail on the 
average during the coming years. Unless many trees are removed or 
the orchards are much neglected the peak of production is not likely 
to be reached until 1931 or 1932. At that time it is probable that the 
trend of production will be about 15 per cent higher than in 1928. 
Until the present time, the increase in the total pack of canned 
peaches has been retarded by the steady decline in the quantity of 
freestones canned. An average of 1,714,000 cases of freestones were 
canned in the years 1919-1921, but only 821,000 cases in 1927, and 
only 164,000 in 1928. Evidently only a small further decline in the 
freestone pack can be expected, and in some years. as in 1929. it may 
even be expanded. 
Exports of canned peaches have kept pace with the increase in the 
pack. On the average, about 15 per cent of our pack is exported. 
Our most important markets for canned peaches are the United King 
dom, Canada, Cuba, and France. 
Freestones—As contrasted with the rapid increase in the produc- 
tion of clingstone peaches during the past seven years our production 
1B. L. Overholser, Associate Professor of Pomology and Associate Pomologist 
in the Experiment Station, resigned. 
2 W. P. Duruz, Assistant Pomologist in the Experiment Station, resigned. 
8 The discussion on economic aspects is taken largely from: Wellman, H. R. 
pi] 1930 agricultural outlook for California. California Agr. Ext. Cir. 39:12-15,

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