Full text: Peach culture in California

1930] Praca CuLturk IN CALIFORNIA 
A general average drying ratio would be about 5:1. The average yield 
of dried peaches is about 11% tons per acre.?® 
Peaches for drying are picked when they have a uniform yellow 
color, are fully mature and have begun to soften but are still reason- 
ably firm, and can be easily eut with a sharp knife and yet retain their 
shape. Peaches are cut by running a sharp knife around the line of 
the suture so that the knife blade returns to the point where the cut 
began. The halves of the peach are separated, the pit removed and the 
two halves laid on a clean tray with the cut surfaces up (fig. 14). The 
Fig. 14.—Tray of peaches in the process of drying. 
full trays are placed on alow truck and when the stack is completed. it 
is transferred to the sulfuring house (fig. 15). Peaches are normally 
exposed for from three to three and one-half hours to dense fumes of 
burning sulfur which is used at the rate of about seven pounds per 
ton of fresh fruit. After sulfuring is complete, indicated by the moist 
cut surface and disappearance of red color, the trays of peaches are 
transferred by truck to the dry-yard where they are exposed to the sun. 
The fruit should remain exposed to direct sunshine until it is from 
a quarter to half dried and has acquired a uniform color. This requires 
from one to five days according to the temperature and air movement. 
The trays should then be stacked in a staggered pile with the open ends 
in the direction of the prevailing winds. After two to six days in the 
stack the fruit will be dry enough for storage as indicated by the 
oe Christie, A, W. and L. C. Barnard. The principles and practice of sundrying 
fruit. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 388:1-60. 1925.

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