Full text: Religion, colonising & trade

His breadth of view is illustrated by the statement in 
the essay ‘ Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and 
Estates,’ that ¢ all states that are liberal of naturalisation 
towards strangers ate fit for Empire,’ 1 
His views on colonising are contained mote 
especially in the well-known essay ¢ Of Plantations,’ 2 
and in the letter of advice which he wrote in 1616 to 
the Duke of Buckingham when the latter became 
favourite to King James.3 It may be presumed that 
in the letter of advice he paid more attention to what 
would be palatable to the King’s man and the King 
than would be required in the essay. In the letter he 
suggested that Commissioners should be appointed in 
the nature of a2 Council to ¢ regulate what concerns the 
colonies and give an account thereof to the King or 
to his Council of State.” In 1616 there can only have 
been three English colonies in existence, Virginia, 
Bermuda and Newfoundland ; and a Council for 
Virginia had been constituted before the colony was 
actually started. Bacon, therefore, was commendably 
early in suggesting a Council for English colonies 
generally. Colonies and foreign plantations he con- 
sidered ‘very Necessary, as outlets to a populous 
nation.” Both in the letter and in the essay he 
denounces the wickedness of sending out criminals to 
be the material wherewith to plant a colony. We 
think, as he thought, that it is a shameful and un- 
blessed thing to take the scum of people, and wicked 
condemned men, to be the people with whom you 
1 The Works of Francis Bacon, ut sup., vol. vi, p. 447. 
2 Ibid., pp. 457-60. 
3 Letters and Life of Francis Bacon (1872), #t sup., vol. vi, pp. 21-2, 

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