PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - 26 We begin by guessing values of b* and b** in (IV. 21), which I shall here denote by b*, and b**,. We then form a vector, y, say, of type nx I, where n denotes the number of groups of expenditure; thus (IV. 36) Yo = Pa € — (b* + 96°) v, We also form a matrix, Y» say, of order n, where (IV. 37) Ya = [1— (63 + 958) #1 pe Apart from a random element, y, and Y, are connected by the relationship (IV. 38) Yo = [Yq : OY] I c* ; p** If, denoting successive time-periods by 1, 2, ..., t, we now define (IV. 39) VE} 15 Vas oer Vil 111d (IV. 40 VV. 1Y,, Y,, ..., Y,! we can write, apart from a random element (IV. 41) Xo 1] Stone - pag. 62