58 PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA fe of asset in different industries [10]. We have not yet reached the stage of replacing this physical determination of scrapping by an economic one. b) Endogenous final demand. This category can be divided into three components. 1) Industrial extensions. These are based on a calculation of the type of (IV. 25) and thus involve projected input-output matrices, both current and capital, as well as levels and growth rates of exogenous final demand. The capital coefficients were estimated with the help of the material relating to the years [948-1960 brought together in [10], amended in many cases in the light of outside information. 2) Investments in stocks. These are related to changes in output levels on the basis of experience in the 1950’s. 3) Imports. These are based on a calculation of the type of (IV. 26). The first step is to set a figure on the balance of trade to be aimed at in the future. If this is subtracted from export proceeds, the total value of imports is obtained. Complementary intermediate imports are estimated by fixed coefficients applied to the outputs of the various using in- dustries, in exactly the same way as any other form of inter- mediate input. These coefficients are based on postwar trends and at present are very rough, because the classification of imports has only been carried out for the three years 1948, 1054 and 1960. Individual groups of competitive imports, as explained in section 3(c) above, are treated as linear functions of the total amount of money available for competitive imports as a whole. These coefficients are roughly assessed on the basis of recent experience. Considerable improvements could be made in all these estimates simply by a more thorough analysis of existing 1] Stone - pag. 66