PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - 28 THE TRANSIENT MODEL I. INTRODUCTION This model is still at the preparatory stage. The variables are the same as in the steady-state model. The relationships, already described in [40], are outlined below. The estimation problems are similar to those in the steady-state model. The computations are carried out by dynamic programming. We are assembling the material for a trial run with a four industry model and have written a programme in which the calculations proceed year by year. In this way the full model is kept within ‘he capacity of the computer. Since we have not yet made any calculations with this mo- del, I shall describe here only the, relationships we propose to use, limiting myself to the case of a closed economy with constant parameters. In [40] it is shown that these simplifica- tions can be dispensed with. 2. THE RELATIONSHIPS The relationships of the model are set out below. Unless otherwise stated, the notation follows that developed in the preceding chapter. First, in the base year at the outset of the transitional pe- riod, the vector, s, of the economy’s stock of capital goods is equal to a given value s say. That is, V. 1 ‘1] Stone - pag. 76