SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 74 The elements of s and s relate to the total stock of capital goods, grouped according to the producing industry, not according to the using industry. Second, at the end of the transitional period, which runs from ®=1 to ®=1- 1, the terminal stock vector, E,s, must have a certain minimum value, s say, to make possible the production levels in the first year of the state of steady growth as determined by the long-run model. That is, (V. 2) Third, at all times there must be adequate capacity to make possible the level of production decided on. That is, (V. 3) pa - KE’ ¢q KX (I-A)! E' (e+v) FE? (e+ Es where F = K (I - Ay-!. Equation (V. 3) can be written in the form (V. 4) FE!e< (1+ F)E’s - FE*+! Fourth, at all times the labour force must be large enough to make possible the level of production decided on. If À denotes the total labour force and f* denotes the vector of labour requirements per unit of output in the different industries, then (V. 5) ES EM Fifth, if the demand functions ot (lV. 20) are premultiplied by Fp, it follows (V. 6) a Sy EE — F g + FRE Cs 1] Stone - pag. 77