SEMAINE D ETUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. SI great generality is usually sought and frequently achieved. In practice it is often necessary to adopt a formulation at the same time less general than theorists would like within the range of phenomena they consider, and less restricted in its range. For example, the consumption functions we are using cannot handle complementary or inferior groups of commodities but they can handle systematic changes in preferences and also adaptive behaviour. Fifth, is assembling observations on which to base our projections, we can achieve a great deal by the careful proces- sing of existing data, but however thoroughly we do this our knowledge remains incomplete. We must therefore try to gain the cooperation of outside experts in practical walks of life, who may be less well placed than we are to attempt a synoptic view of the whole economic system, but whose specific know- ledge is always greater than ours. The realism of our projections can only increase as we succeed in getting more reliable in- formation into the model. Sixth, to be a useful tool for policy-making a model must enable us to make not just one but many alternative projections based on different assumptions. When it has reached this stage the model becomes in its turn a source of information in the light of which a policy can be drawn up. If this policy is carried out, the model can then be used to make predictions. Seventh, no policy can be carried out without a control system which keeps the plan in touch with events. This con- trol system consists of a mixture of centralised and decentralised administrative machinery, including all private arrangements for the management of businesses, cooperatives, labour unions and so on. The model can be used to review the control system and show how administrative methods might be modified so as to improve the economy’s inherent tendency to stability. I have not tried to formulate this range of problems because as yet we have done very little work on them. Eighth, it is impossible to plan unless one knows what one ‘11 Stone - pag. 81