SEMAINE D’ETUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L ANALYSE ECONOMETRIOUE ETC r — Si Nonstochastic variables subject to observational erro: a)-b) Same variables as in Fig. 2 a-b the deterministic situation does not extend to the inference (40, for the stochastic situation. or more generally, (AI) HEl[a "FE ' that is, the expectation of a nonlinear function f(x) will only ... exceptional cases equal the function of the expectation. Turning now to bivariate relationships, Figs. 2b and refer to BOYLE’s law 2u (42, FIG. 4 - Stochastic variables subject to exact observation. a) Moleculas weight of nylon. b) Consumer demand v as function of market price x. 21 Wold - pag. 23