80 PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - zation of a deterministic mode] brings the asymmetry in further re- lief; in fact, as illustrated by (B;), in a stochastic specification of the model the causal relations are expressed.in terms of predictors, that is, conditional expectations, and conditional expectations always are irreversible, and thereby asymmetric. ALLAIS To express myself more clearly may I comment briefly using an example? I recently studied hyperinflations. My formulation was a continuous one but for simplicity I used only monthly data. It was therefore impossible to represent the last months of the hyper- inflations correctly, and with monthly data the conclusion would have been that the assumptions made were incorrect. But when weekly data were considered the verification of the model was very good and the hypothesis confirmed. Thus my conclusion is that some models can introduce artificial difficulties which could otherwise have been avoided. WOoLD Yes, this is surely an illuminating example to show that the choice of time period is an important element in the specification of hypotheses in a model. But it does not really bring home the previous point about continuous time, for monthly data are discrete in time, and so are weekly data. From the theory of stochastic processes it is easy to give examples of problems that are easier to handle in discrete time than in continuous time. HAAVELMO Let P(x, y, 8) be the joint probability law of the variables x and y in the past, or under one kind of economic regime. fis a "21 Wold - pag. 66