84 PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - 28 LEONTIEF The structure of an analytical system which one decides to use in any particular instance must to a very large extent depend on the type, that is, amount and accuracy of factual information actually available for its implementation. Refinements of statistical methodo- logy are often wasted on all too crude raw material of primary data. FRISCH I have been listening with interest to the discussions in a field in which I took great interest some yars ago and which I think I was at that time qualified to speak. Today I do not think I am qua- lified, quite to the same extent, but since I have been called upon let me just give one example which is connected with what Pro- fessor LEONTIEF said right now. Suppose for a moment that you have a curve whose mathematical form you actually know. . It is for instance a second degree parabola. For a moment you forget this mathematical knowledge and you look for some numerical data to determine the tangent at a specific point A. You have observa- tion in the vicinity of this point. Let each of these observations be affected by an error of measurement. In order to have actually the tangent (not the secant) in the point considered, you want to use observations that are as close as possible to the point A. If you really want the tangent (not the secant) at this point you would have to creep up to the point A as close as you can. But in so doing you expose yourself more and more to the inaccurancies involved in the numerical observations and if you get two points that are very close to A you get something absolutely absurd. So you have to make a compromise between. giving up a little of the ideal you are looking for, i.e. the tangent instead of the secant, you have to do it in order to get a method which is more robust. You must make a compromise, and a practical man will understand more or less intuitively how far he should deviate from the mathematical ideal in order to have a result which is useful for his purposes. ยป Wold - pag. 70