SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 101 payments and are likely to contribute more to general economic advance. 8. Traditionally, of course, governments have always in- vested largely in the facilities required by their own minimal functions of national defense, maintenance of law and order administration of justice, revenue collection, and the like. o. Finally, and again this is a recent development, govern- ments invest in enterprises intended to enhance the prestige of the nation. Atomic power plants and steel mills are typical examples. This is a list of motives, undoubtedly not complete, that induce governments to undertake investments. It is also a list of the considerations that must be applied to any government investment, because it is a rare project indeed that contributes to only one of these objectives. Thus the appraiser of a government project, as contrasted with the appraiser of a private one, must be concerned with many kinds of consequence, not all measurable in monetary units and not all comparable among themselves in any na- tural unit. Even in dealing with the consequences that are measurable in monetary units, in principle, he is not likely to find that market prices are an ‘adequate guide, partly be- cause of the prevalence of unpriced external effects and partly because consumers’ surplus (a treacherous concept that cannot be avoided here), though not reflected in the markets, is im portant to governments. - There are similar complexities in the consideration of costs. though not as severe. To be sure, a government must recog: nize, while a private.firm can ignore, such external disecono- mies as congestion and smoke contamination, but these are usually not of the essence. The government is more likely to be concerned with discrepancies between the market prices and social values of certain factors of production: labor, when there is substantial unemployment, is a famous instance. It is oJ Dorfman - pag. 5