SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 233 is another concave function (Figure 5). The term convex pro- grammung derives from the fact that the feasible set, and each set of points on which the maximand attains or exceeds a given value, are convex (!). Linear programming is a special case of convex programming. With any optimal point in a convex programming problem one can associate a hyperplane H through that point, which separates the feasible set from the set of points in which the maximand exceeds its value in the optimal point (H is a line in Figure 5). The direction coefficients of such a hyperplane define a vector of relative prices implicit in the optimal point. One interpretation of the implicit prices is that the opening up of an opportunity to barter unlimited amounts of commodities at those relative prices does not allow the attainment of a higher value of the maximand. Moreover, if the maximand is a dif- ferentiable utility function, one may be able, by treating utility as an additional « commodity » and choosing its « price » to be unity, to interpret the implicit prices of the other goods as their marginal utilities either directly in consumption, or indi- rectly through the extra consumption made possible by the availability of one more unit of that commodity as a factor of production. | A ONE-SECTOR MODEL WITH CONSTANT STEADILY INCREASING I ARBOR Fore TECHNOLOGY AND We assume that output of the single producible commodity is a twice differentiable and concave function F(Z, L), homo- geneons of degree one. of the capital stock Z and the size o 1 : . __. . (') A convex set is a set of points containing everv line segment con necting two of its points ., Koopmans - pag. «