SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. ZI Let us assume that RAMSEY’s device can be used also in this case, and that it would again merelv result in addine the bor- derline value ç= te the set of discount rates defining a utility function for which an optimal path exists. Then a pre- dictable positive lower bound to the rate of technical progress, valid for an indefinite future period, precludes application of the ethical principle of timing neutrality in terms even of per capita utility — not to speak at all ot weighting generations by their numbers. Thus, if in the face of technological progress we want tc hold on to the idea of maximizing a utility integral such as (35, over time, we must invent a discount rate © satisfying (34), or its equivalent for another production function. Such a discount rate might just have to be a pragmatic one having no basis in a priori ethical thought. While it might well be a result, conscious or unconscious, of political processes or decisions, it would have to be revised upward if it is estimated that techno- logical progress will accelerate to such an extent as to « over- take it », and could be revised downward if it is expected that progress will slow down. One might instead conclude that the whole idea of maximiz- ing a utility integral is not flexible enough to fit the inequality of opportunity between generations inherent in modern techno- logy. Two alternative notions have been partially explored by the present author, using a discrete concept of time. In one of these [ KOOPMANS, 1960, see also KooPMANS, DIAMOND and WILLIAMSON, 1964], the utility function of a consumption path x, t—1, 4, .…, can be defined bv a recursive relation J(r,. x, == Viu(x,), U(x,, 3. y .1 Koopmans - pag. 3-