204 PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - 28 If T*=o0 the validity of (43) depends on convergence of the integrals involved. One application of (43) will be used repeatedly. We define a bulge in a growth path (x,, z,) as an interval [T, T*] such that ‘44, r (44a) o=T <T* <0, 252 25 = 2% say, and (446) either * < #() and 2, <z* for T<t < T* > 7(s) and 2,>=z* for T<t< T* where the definition (26) of 2(p) is extended to all values of o, ( (154) A) =7 for psg) “ (450) g(2(e) = for g(3) <p < glo) (45¢) Zp)=o for g'(o)- 4+| Koopmans - pag. 40