270 a Zr $< 55) PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - HS Case (2), {=8#2. For definiteness assume E<£ and let {=2e. Then £>0 and there exists T<oc such that 2,=<C+e=%-¢ forall £&T If now in (43 a) we take o=o0, z}=2, x'=#=g(8) for all #>o. then, T+ (56) Up = fa) — û) dt < u rors [, a J (9(z0—2) dt + 2p — 24x | =- _T —o (T* MT +8 where by (38), (40), =u Nz —gz—2) > o © > A _ — UU + 2 Hence Ur, = Ur + Urs diverges to - oo as T*—oo in this case, and by similar reasoning in the case £<¢, hence in the entire Case (2). Case (3), {=C=2. In this case clearly 37 . A lim z, = 2 Teo [t follows from the third member of (54) that G-EU- +4 ° ZT 4] Koopmans - pag. 46