SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 275 where #(z) denotes the inverse of z, on [o, T], and x(2)=x,,. The unknown function is now x(z), defined, like #(z), on the interval 2,<z<{2, or on 2<z=z, as the case may be. The advantage from the change of variables lies in the fact that only x(z) itself, and no derivative thereof, occur in the inte- grand in (60). Hence (60) is maximized on the set of superior paths if and only if x(z) is given a value £*(2) such that the integrand is maximized for almost every value of z in its do- main. This requires £*(z) for almost every z to equal the solu- tion x =x(z) of ‘61, u X) J } “, 21H - u(r IG Koopmans - pag. 49