3EMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIOUE ETC. OTF Hence #, is monotonic and differentiable. In order to see that T=œ whenever z 72, one readily computes from TAYLOR expansions of g(z) — g(£) with respect to z - 2, and of #27. N- with respect to Rs |; / |. 1 u a negative real number. A {2 <2 AN i i) _1 .ollows that - ~ . t zy, >2 lm He — Therefore T=oc. The proofs of (C) and (D) are thereby com- plete. In addition. we note that £(z) is differentiable also for = A 7. PROOFS FOR A POSITIVE DISCOUNT RATE (0< g<_f (0) Proof of (E). Let (x,, 2z,, be a feasible path with : = for all &. In (4°) we insert}: ..< — z <2 such that gi. Then, if ..f uw YY x we have #<u(x, and hence o<T hence lim 1» T Tar + rf —-u whenever 1: } yes +1 Koopmans - pag. 5.