SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 283 à a plore — Jy dt (79) For the firsy t {ai =} which © (79a | (790) 1 vw choose an attainable path Lr =((~ , | (79¢) T where 23€ and the number T* T+1 are still subject to late. choice. In addition, T should be sufficiently large thai, besides (76), there exists an attainable path (x5, 2%) on [c. T1 sucw tha 2 =%+7. To obtain a lower bound on the first term in (7) we note that, in view of Assumption (c) and (38 9%, there cast num- bers 1,>0 and y>o such that. whenever 71, [8a implies —— AK ae) 4 Hence, it 0< v=7, and «= wg(2+7,),, we have from (79 a and (38 b), in analogy to (78), 4 Koopmans - pag. 5c