236 PONTIFICIAE ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARVM SCRIPTA VARIA - 28 REFERENCES ArLLais M., Economie et Intérét. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1947. The Influence of Capital-Output Ratio on Real National Income. « Eco- nometrica », October 1962, pp. 700-728. Bauer P. T., Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries, Duke University Press, 1957, especially pp. 112-126. Cass D., Optimum savings in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumula- tion. « Technical Report » No 5, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, Nov. 27, 1963. CHAKRAVARTY S., The Existence of an Optimum Savings Program. « Econo- metrica », January 1962, pp. 178-187. DEBREU G., Representation of a Preference Ordering by a Numerical Func- tion, in Thrall, Coombs and Davis, editors, Decision Processes, Wiley, New York, 1954, Chapter XI, pp. 159-165. DESROUSSEAUX J., Expansion stable et taux d'intérêt obtimal. « Annales des Mines », November 1961, pp. 31-46. Harrop R.F., Towards a Dynamic Economics. Macmillan, 1948. INaGAKT M., The Golden Utility Path. « Memorandum dated November 13, 1963, Netherlands Economics Institute, Rotterdam, 31 pp., mimeo- graphed. KanTorovicH L. V., Ekonomicheski raschet nailuchshego ispol’zovania resur- sov (Economic Calculation of the Best Utilization of Resources), Aca- demy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1959 (French Translation published by Dunod, Paris, 1963). Koopmans T. C., Stationary Ordinal Utility and Impatience. « Econome- trica », April 1960, pp. 287-309. This issue was also published separately ander the title Econometrica Essays in Honor of Ragnar Frisch. On Flexibility of Future Preferences. In Bryan and Shelly, editors, Human Judgments and Optimality, Wiley, New York, 1964. Diamond P. A., and WiLLiamsoN R. E., Stationary Utility and Time Perspective. « Econometrica », January-April 1964, pp. 82-100. Pueres E. S., The Golden Rule of Accumulation. « American Economic Review », September 1961, pp. 638-642. 4] Koopmans - pag. 62