SEMAINE D'ETUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. Pucacuev V.F., O kriterii oplimal’nosti ekonomiki (Criteria of Optimality for the Economy), in FEkonomiko-matematicheskie metody. Narodno khoziastvennye modeli: Teoreticheskie voprosy potrebleniia, À … Vainsn tein, ed., Moscow, 1963. Ramsey F. P., A Mathematical Theory of Saving. « Economic December 1928, pp. 543-559. RoBiNsoN JoaN, 4 Neo-Classical Theorem. « Review of Economic June 1962, pp. 219-226. SrinivasaN T. N., On a Two-Sector Model of Growth. « Econometrica July, 1964, pp. 358-373. SwaN T., On Golden Ages and Production Functions. Memorandum for the Round Table on Economic Development held in April 1960 in Gamagozi Japan, under auspices of the International Economic Association” mimeo graphed, 18 pp. TINBERGEN J., Optimum Savings and Utility Maximization over Time. « Eco- nometrica », April 1960, pp. 481-489, issue also published separately as Econometrica Essays in Honor of Ragnar Frisch. Uzawa H., Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector Model of Capital Accumulation « Review of Economic Studies », XXXI (1), 85, January, 1964, pp. I-24 VON WEIZSACKER C. C., Wachstum, Zins und Optimale Investitionsauot Kyklos Verlag, Basel 1962, pp. 96 Worp H., À Synthesis of Pure Demand Analysis, Part Aktuaritidskrift », Vol. 26, 1943, pp. 220-2623 Koopmans - pag. 63