2 56. Tables Nos. IV to VI (pp. 78 to 83) summarise the figures for full-time workers from Tables Nos. I to III for Bombay in order to facilitate comparisons with simiar figures compiled for Ahmedabad and for Sholapur. It will be seen that in comparison with Bombay, attendance is better in Ahmedabad but exceedingly poor in Sholapur where only 30°26 per cent. of the adult operatives returned, worked without absence during the period covered by the Census. Among male operatives only 1,178 out of the 3,761 returned or 31-32 per cent. worked full time. Among women the proportion of full-time workers is sl ghtly lower—about a fourth as compared with about a third for men, the actual figures being 205 out of 810 or 25°31 per cent. Curiously enough, the best figures of full-time attendance are those for children both in Sholapur and in Ahmedabad, the respective figures being 70 out of 192 or 36-45 per cent. and 463 out of 657 or 70-47 per cent. The following table summarises the position for the whole industry, by lifferent age and sex groups, at each centre studied. Age and Sex Group Men Nomen All Adults Children .. All Operatives | Total number Centre of workers returned Number working full-time Percentage of full-time workers to total returned "Bombay .. Ahmedabad . ‘Sholapur .. 38,349 12,719 31761 20,144 7.157 1.178 52:53 56-27 27 +939 "Bombay ..| Ahmeédabad || Sholapur .. 12,072* 3,016 {10 3,068% 1,677 ] 2085 32-87% 55°60 25°21 ‘Bombay . d Ahmedabad . Sholapur . Ny Bombay .. Ahmedabad ! Sholapur .. Bombay .. Ahmedabad . Sholapnr | 50,4217 15,735 4.571 24,1124 8,834 1.383 4782+ 56-14 30°26 Nil. 657 109 "463 wt 70-47 24 45 50,421F | 24,112f | 47-89% 16,392 9,207 | 56°72 4.763 1.453 20-59 cent. my 51-0 nonding figures excluding female’ winders and reelers are 43,744— 57. Tthas already been pointed out that the figures for women workers in Bombay were affected by rotation of employment in the. Winding and Reeling Departments. This fact requires to be borne in mind when making comparisons either for female operatives as between the different centres or as between men and women workers in Bombay. The figures in the above table show that only 3,968 women out of 12,072 returned or 32-87 per cent. worked full-time. If 6,677 winders and reelers are excluded it is found that out of the remaining 5,395 female operatives, 2,434 or 45-12 per cent. worked without absence. These figures also affect the figures for adult operatives. If winders and reelers are again