re 2 109. The characteristics dealt with above with regard to the respective earnings of Head Jobbers on time and Piece rates are brought out more clearly in the figures for * Other Jobbers,” although the ratios of the numbers of Jobbers on time rates and Piece rates are different to those of Head Jobbers. (2) Weavers 110. The most important group of operatives in the cotton mill industry is the weavers. The number returned for the three centres covered by this Enquiry amounted to 17,849 or nearly 25 per cent. of the total number returned. No women are employed as weavers in any cotton mill in the Bombay Presidency. With the exception of three weavers shown on time rates in Bombay all the weavers at all centres were on piece rates of wages. Two looms to sg weaver is an almost general distribution of machines in Bombay and in Ahmedabad and in the majority of cases in Sholapur, the total number of two-loom weavers being 16,728 or 93-72 per cent. of the total number of weavers returned for all centres. 111. In Bombay out of a total number of 11,758 weavers returned, 11,358 or 96-59 per cent. were two-loom weavers, 327 or 2°79 per cent. were one-loom weavers, 6 were three-loom weavers and 67 were four- loom weavers. Out of the 327 one-loom Weavers, 44 were apprentice weavers. In Ahmedabad, 4,377 or 95-53 Per cent. of the total number of weavers returned for that centre were two-loom weavers, 77 were engaged on three looms and 128 on four-looms. In Sholapur the two- loom basis does not predominate to the same extent as it does in Bombay and in Ahmedabad, the number of one-loom weavers returned for that centre amounting to 514 or 34" 06 per cent. of the 1,509 weavers returned. The number of two-loom weavers returned was 993 or 65-81 per cent. Only two four-loom weavers and no three-loom weavers were returned by sither of the two selected mills in Sholapur. The following table gives in a comparative form the average earnings of weavers in Bombay. Ahmedabad and Sholapur according to the number of looms tended — Earnings of Weavers Yentre Bombay .. Number of [.ooms tended "One Loom— Time. } One Loom .. One Loom Apprentice. Pwo Looms . | Three Looms. | Four Looms Total number returned 33 280 | 44 11,358 6 B87 Average Rarnings Number working fll time Average mo nthly earnings of full time workers? Dailv Monthly Rs. a. p. 215 9 2 211 Rs. a. p. 7% 8 8 Rs. a. p lg 0 0 82 6 8 200 | 85 4 4 n 9 0 20 14 9 25 751 8,242 f1 9 10 4 7 7 7 59 23 13 10 49 9 11 717 5 74 1 CHILI TR OTRO. A me EX EA Se Ne FF 0 rt, a | TIRE Rr sry * Yor reasons alread ¥ given, the Ahmedabad figure represents £7 times theo daily sarnings. For Sholapur the month— 26- 7 days. T No indication as to the basis of payment ig given in the other cases because all the remaining weavers are on piece rates.