A] CHAPTER VIIT Bonus and Fines. I.—Bonus Meaning oF THE TERM “ BoNUs ” 136. The term “ Bonus’ generally relates to a cash payment given mn addition to wages for regular attendance. In many cases, an Efficiency Bonus, 1.e., a reward for specially diligent work or for sroduction higher than a specified normal is given either by itself or in 1yddition to the attendance bonus. In some cases the payment of the bonus for regular attendance is also dependant on good work. All sxtra allowances in the nature of bonuses were lumped together under one head in the returns submitted by the various mills and no indica- rions were given as to the character of the bonus in individual instances. [t is not possible, therefore, to determine the extent to which the Jifferent systems of granting attendance and efficiency bonuses prevailed n the mills covered by the Enquiry at each of the three centres studied. EXTENT OF THE PREVALENCE OF THE SYSTEM 137. The system of granting bonuses is not universal and even in ;hose mills where it prevails it is not given uniformly in all departments. [n some cases it is granted to certain occupations in particular depart- nents and not to others, and in still a few cases, even in particular sccupations in individual units some workers are covered and others not. The variations both in the existence of the system of giving sonuses and the method of its calculation and payment are so great shat it is not possible to make any genera] statements for the industry as a, whole. (1) Bombay 138. In Bombay two mills out of the nineteen covered by the Rnquiry granted no bonuses at all. In one mill it was only given 50 three Jobbers in the Winding Department, fourteen Sepoys, two Mukadams, and three Balers in the Cloth Folding Department. In the Vlixing and Waste Room, bonus was granted in the case of Jobbers and Mukadams to only one individual each in two mills, to Nawghanies in ;hree mills and to “ Others” in two mills. In the Blow and Card Rooms no bonus was granted in seven and six mills respectively out of he seventeen mills which had bonus systems. In one mill all operatives sxcept Can Carriers in the Card Room were covered but in the remain- ng mills some occupations were included in the system and others were 10t. In one mill only Can Carriers in the Card Room were given a onus to the exclusion of the operatives in all other occupations in these wo departments. In the Drawing Frame Department seven mills yave no bonus but these were not identically the same as those mills which gave no bonus in the case of the Cerd Room. Four mills gave no onus in the Slubbing, Intermediate and Roving Frame Departments. Three mills granted a bonus to Machine Tenters only and not to workers in other occupations. The other mills which gave bonus to Tenters also gave it to Doffer Boys, but in one case where Doffer Boys were given the bonus, Machine Tenters were not. Dofler Jobbers