24 approved by the Secretary of Labor and Industry and by the Gover- nor, according to the law. Training may continue during a period of twenty weeks and if an extension beyond that period is necessary, definite approval for such extension must be given by the Secretary of Labor and Industry. Workmen’s Compensation when awarded for a definite permanent disability may be commuted, or ordered by the Workmen’s Com- pensation Board to be paid in lump sum, in whole or part, if such lump sum payment be deemed by the Compensation Board to be to the best interest of the beneficiary, Such lump sum payments for disabled persons frequently have a direct bearing upon their ultimate rehabilitation. This ig partieu- larly true if the lump sum payment be to obtain a small farm for the raising of truck, poultry or orchard products or be for the pur- pose of establishing the disabled berson in a commercial enterprise. Consequently, the Bureau of Rehabilitation in Pennsylvania cooper- ates with the Workmen's Compensation Board and investigates the conditions on which such petitions are based in each case in order that the Board may determine, as a result of such investigation, whether the lump sum payment is to the best future interest of the disabled person. An important consideration in connection with lump sum payment is that the regular weekly payments cease when lump sum payment is made, or are reduced in amount, and every pre- caution should be taken to make certain that lump sum payment will not subsequently work hardship upon the disabled person. REHABILITATION PAYS DIVIDENDS Disabled persons register with the Bureau of Rehabilitation be- cause they are unemployed and have been unable to obtain employ- ment through their own efforts. The average wage at which disabled persons have been returned to suitable employment by the Bureau is approximately $100 per month,~—81,200 a year. The total average cost of rehabilitating a disabled person in Pennsylvania is approxi- mately $160. If an average disabled person is placed in suitable employment by the Bureau at a wage of approximately $1,200 a year and con- tines in that employment for even five succeeding years, the economic return can be based on the production represented by a payroll of $6,000. That result has been accomplished by an individual ex- penditure of approximately $160. That estimate is also entirely on the productive side and does not. include the benefits aceruing by the elimination of charity nor the effect on the general morale of the disabled persons. The Bureau of Rehabilitation is primarily a bureau of service. Its purpose is to return physically disabled persons to suitable em. ployment. During the first five years of the Bureau’s operation, approximately 6,500 such disabled persons were reported to the Bureau and listed on its records from every county in the State. The Bureau of Rehabilitation has limited funds and staff and in order to operate successfully, for any disabled person and in any com- munity, it must have the eooperation of the eitizens of that community including employers, employes, physicians, educators and all public and private agencies that can be of assistance in returning disabled persons to suitable work