BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT The Bureau of Employment operates in the De- partment of Labor and Industry for the purpose of finding employment for the unemployed and of furnishing working persons to employers. During the calendar year, 1928, it found permanent em- ployment for 25,436 men and for 10,696 women, making a total of 36,132 persons; 20,411 men and women were placed into employment as common laborers, domestic workers and day workers; 15,721 persons were placed into employment on farms, in the building trades, in the machinery and metal industries, in mines and quarries, in transportation companies, and in clerical, sales, executive, technieal, and professional positions. The earnings of these persons who received employment through the Bureau of Employment ranged from a wage of 35 cents an hour to a salary of $7,500 a year. The Bureau of Employment cooperates with the United States Em- ployment Service, United States Department of Labor; and with the Young Men’s Christian Associations in Lancaster, McKeesport, New Castle, Oil City, and Williamsport, where part-time Cooperative State Employment offices are conducted and where the Associations furnish office space, light, heat, and janitor service. In these Cooperative State Employment Offices the office hours are from 8 A. M. to 12 noon. In all other offices the hours are from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. every day except Saturady when they are from 8 A. M. to 12 M. Each State Employment Office (including the Altoona Cooperative State Employment Office) has a section for men and a section for women. In the men’s section efforts are made to find unskilled labor, semi-skilled labor, skilled labor, farm labor, clerical, sales, technical, professional, and executive employment for the unemployed. In the women’s section efforts are made to find domestic, unskilled labor, skilled labor, clerical, sales, technieal, professional, and executive em- ployment for the unemployed. In each office the interviews are conducted by examiners who have had wide experience in various lines of industrial and commercial work. Frequently their interviews and examinations are supplemented by the services of representatives of employers who may temporarily be stationed in the State Employment Offices. Before referring ap- plicants to positions, other than common labor and domestic work, the examiners request definite specifications and specific instructions from the employers as to the exact kind of employes desired. In making the references the examiners are, therefore, guided in their work by these specific instructions and definite specifications. Furthermore, the examiners and field representatives from time to time visit the indus- trial plants and commercial establishments in their district and at- tempt to learn by observation and by interviews with foremen, super- intendents, and employment managers the specific qualifications of cer- tain semi-skilled. skilled, technical, and trained workers so that they Dy