Jl may be guided by this information in their examination and place- ment work. Each State Employment Office makes a special effort to recruit farm labor for the farms in its district. In a number of the State Employment Offices one day of each week has been set aside as a farm labor day, selected according to the customs of the locality, on which day farmers seeking help and farm workers seeking employment can meet at the State Employment Offices for interviews and for the mak- ing of working agreements. In this effort to furnish labor to the farmer, the State Employment Offices have had the complete and thor- ough cooperation of the local granges of the Pennsylvania State Grange. During the spring and early summer months all the State Fr. ployment Offices make special efforts to secure for high school and college students summer or vacation employment wherever it can be found. Frequently the older boys and young men are advan- tageously placed upon farms. In connection with this summer em- ployment a special effort is made to find when possible for the students such work as may eoordinate with their school or college courses. The Bureau of Employment maintains a daily inter-office clearance system whereby applications of persons who cannot be placed in the district of one office are cleared to those other offices in whose districts there may be openings for such applicants, and whereby orders or requisitions for employes which cannot locally be filled are cleared to those other offices in whose districts there may be an avail- able supply of the workers desired. On January 1, 1928, there was inaugurated by the Bureau of Em- ployment a monthly survey letter report upon employment and busi- ness conditions in every section of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which upon the first of each month is issued and mailed to the business men of the Commonwealth. The Bureau of Employment has found it most advantageous to in- sure that it properly reflects the pulse of those interested in the various activities of industry and employment through the development and organization of committees particularly interested in such activities throughout the Commonwealth. These committees enable both the Bureau and the Department to find out the opinion of any given indus- try or of persons interested in a given industry with reference to any projected action. They further enable the Department to secure sound advice on possible methods of extending its influence. With this fact in mind, the Bureau of Employment has created in sach of the districts where it has an employment office, a cooperative representative council or an advisory committee composed of represen- tative citizens of the district. This council holds regular stated meet- ings during the year and such special meetings as may be necessary. At these meetings the work of the local employment office is discussed and plans for increasing and improving the service of the office are considered and made. In addition to cooperation with the other bureaus in the Department of Labor and Industry, with the several departments of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, and with the United States Employment Serv- ice, the Bureau of Employment is constantly establishing definite working relations with every organization whereby it can assist in finding employment for unemployed persons,