§! ArTICLE 15. In so far as prohibitions or restrictions may be enforced on the importation or exportation of any goods, the High Con- iracting Parties undertake as regards’ import and export licences to do everything in their power to ensure— (@) that the conditions to be tultilled and the formalities to be observed in order to obtain such licences should be brought imme- liately in the clearest and most definite form to the notice of the public ; (b) that the method of issue of the certificates of licences should be as simple and stable a8 possible ; (¢) that the examivation of applications and the issue of licences to the applicants should be carried out with the least possible delay ; (d) that the system of issuing licences should be such as to prevent the traffic in licences. With this object, licences, when issued to individuals, should state the name of the holder and should not be capable of being used by any other person : (¢) that, in the event of the fixing of rations, the formalities required by the importing country should not be such as to prevent AD equitable allocation of the quantities of goods of which the importation is authorised. The conditions under which licences are given for goods pro- luced or manufactured in the berritories of one of the High Contracting Parties imported nto or exported to the territories of the other shall be as favour- able as the conditions under which licences are given in the case of any other foreign country. ARTICOLUL 15, Intrucdt se pot impune pro- ibitiuni sau restirictiuni asupra mportului sau exportului oriciror ndrfuri, Inaltele Parti Contrac- ante se obligd, in ce priveste ermise de import si export, sé acd tot ce le std in putintd spre ) aslgura : (@) ca conditiunile de indeplinit a formalitdtile necesare pentru btinerea de atare permise si fie wduse imediat la cunostiinta pub- icului, in forma cea mai clard si 28 Mal Drecisi (5) ca modul de eliberare a ertificatelor de permise si fie At mai simplu gi mali stabil; (c) ca examinarea petitiilor gi sliberarea permiselor petitionari- or, sd fle indeplinitd cn cit mai puting intirziere ; (d) ca sistemul de eliberare a sermiselor sd fie de aga naturd, neit si impiedice traficul de sermise. In acest scop, permisele, “and se vor elibera individual, rebuesc si cuprindd numele de- in#torului si si nu poatd fi ntrebuintate de vre’o altd per- wani ; (e) ca, in cazul cind se fixeazd ite, formalititile cerute de citre ara importatoare si nu fie de aga 1atwid incit si impiedice o alocare schitabild a cantitdtilor de marfd sentru care importul este autori- zat. Condifiunile in care se eli- sereazi permisele pentru mir- urile produse sau fabricate in eritoriile uneia dintre Inaltele ’3rti Contractante, importate sau xportate in teritoriile Celeilalte, ror fi tot atat de favorabile ea si sondifiunile in care se acordi sermise in cazul oricdrui alt stat train.