ARTICLE 35. The present Treaty may by mutual agreement be extended, with any modifications agreed upon, so as to apply between Roumania and any of His Bri- tannic Majesty's self-governing Dominions (including any manda- ted territories administered by the Governments of such Do- minions) or India, by means of an exchange of notes between the Roumanian Government and the Government of any such Dominion or of India. After the expiry of a period of two and a half years from the coming into force of the present Lreaty, either of the High Con- bracting Parties may, by giving SIX months’ notice, terminate the application of the Treaty between Roumania and any territory to which it has heen extended under the first paragraph of this Article ARTICLE 36. So long as in any territory re- ferred to in Articles 34 and 35, which is not bound by the Present Treaty, goods produced or manufactured in Roumania are accorded treatment as favourable as that accorded to goods pro- duced or manufactured in any other foreign country, goods pro- duced or manufactured in such territory shall enjoy in Roumania completely and unconditionally the treatment of the most favoured foreign country. His Majesty the King of Rou- mania shall, however, be entitled at any time, upon giving six monthg’ notice in writing, to terminate the application of this Article in respect of any of His Britannic Majesty’s self- rovernine Dominions or of India. ARTICOLUL 35. Prezentul tratat va putea, prin sonsens mutual, fi exting, cu orice modificiri asupra cirora s’a cizut le acord, astfel incit si fie apli- cabil intre Roménia si oricare lintre Dominionurile Autonome ale Majestéitii. Sale Britanice (in- slusiv orice teritoriu sub mandat administrat de Guvernele acestor Dominionuri) sau India, printr'un schimb de note intre Guvernul Romén gi Guvernul orieirui atare Dominion sau al Indiei. Dupi expirarea unui termen de 24 ani dela intrarea in vigoare a prezentului tratat, fiecare dintre Inaltele Parti Contractante, poate, printr'un preaviz de 6 lumi, de- aunta aplicarea tratatului intre Roménia si oricare teritoriu asupra cdruia a fost extins, conform ali- neatnluil I al acestul articol. ARrTICOLUL 36. Atta vreme cit in orice teri- soriu indicat la articolele 35 si 36, care nu este legat prin tratatul le fats, marfurile produse sau ‘abricate in Roménia vor beneficia je un tratament tot att de ‘avorabil ca acel acordat mir- ‘urilor produse sau fabricate in rice alti tard striind, marfurile sroduse sau fabricate in acest seritoriu vor beneficia in Roménia n mod complect si necondifional le tratameniul statului striin selui mai favorizat. Majestatea Sa Regele Roméniei 7a avea totusi dreptul, printr'un oreaviz, in scris, de 6 luni, si lenunte oricénd aplicarea acestui articol cu privire la oricare dintre Dominionurile Autonome ale Majestafii Sale Britanice, sau India