7 C 5 D Hp a () 27 ~ } ol J foe oe —y ERIE IE = ~ A) ) the provision of maritime .1oadstead or beach services, wing pilotage, towage, salvage assistance in distress. he provisions of this Treaty I not prevent the Roumanian srnment from reserving to manian ships owned wholly iartly by the State a special in its ports for the berthing 1ese ships and for the use in area of special apparatus for refuelling and for the ware- ing and handling of the goods 'h they carry, it being under- 1, however, that this provision | not be so interpreted as to 1ve British ships of reasonable ities for carrying on their aess. ARTICLE 25. stwithstanding the provisions us Treaty neither High Con- ing Party shall be required lmit the vessels of the other articipate in the navigation nland waterways which are Internationalised, so long as waters are not thrown open e vessels of any other non- rophe foreign country. ARTICLE 28 1y vessels of either of the ~ Contracting Parties which be compelled by stress of her, or by accident, to take er in a port of the territories & other, shall be at liberty efit therein, to procure all sary stores and to put to gain, without paying any other than such as would yable in a similar case by ional vessel. In case, how- the master of a merchant 21518] (4) exerc tarea serviciului por- surilor maritime, radelor si plaje- or, inelusiv pilotajul, remoreajul, salvajul si asistenta in caz de sericol, Dispozitiunile acestui tratat nu vor impiedica Guvernul Romén le a rezerva pentru vasele romAnesti, aparfinind Statului 'n intregime sau in parte, o zond jpeciald in porturile sale, pentru stajionarea (moutllage) acestor rage gi pentru folosirea, in aceastd ond, de instalajiuni speciale sentru aprovizionarea lor cu com- oustibil gi pentru antrepozitarea si manipularea marfurilor pe care le transportd, fiind inteles, insd, 34 aceastd dispozifiune nu va fi mnterpretatd in aga fel incit si lipseascd vasele britanice de nlesniri rezonabile pentru con- sinuarea activitiaiii lor. ARTICOLUL 25. Independent de dispozijiunile wcestui tratat, nici una dintre [naltele Parti Contractante nu va fi finutd si admitd ca vasele seleilalte Pirji si participe la navigatia in apele interioare :are nu sunt internationalizate, att timp cét aceste ape nu vor fi fost deschise pentru vasele sricirui alt stat strain nelimitrof. ARTICOLUL 26. Orice vase apartinind fiecireia lintre Inaltele Parti Contractante rare ar fi silite din cauza vremei sau a unui accident de a se adiposti intr'un port pe teritoriul seleilalte Parfi, vor avea dreptul si-gi repare avariile acolo, sd-gi procure toate proviziile necesare 3i 83 easd din nou la larg, fard a plati alte diri decdt acelea pe sare le-ar pliti intr'un eaz similar un vas najional. Ins, in cazul in care comandantul vasului