20 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING REVOLVING FUND : only member of the Farm Board with whom I have talked—is that the Farm Board is really willing to cooperate with any cooperative Wsheinkion that is organized along the lines of the Capper-Volstead AC. Mr. Stone. Yes. That is right. _ Mr. Byrxs. And you say you prepared a contract for them in the effort to get these groups together? Mr. Stone. Yes. Mr. Byrxs. I presume, however, if that contract was not entirely agreeable, if the groups could get together on some other con- tract which complied with the terms of that law, it would be entirely acceptable to the Farm Board? Mr. Stoxe. Absolutely. Mr. Byrns. I have not read the act for some time, but is there something in it—I do not know whether it pertains to the loan fea- tures or not—but is there something in the act that authorizes the Farm Board to use other agencies? You will understand to what I am referring. Is there anything in the terms of the act which would permit the Farm Board to use any agencies down there for the relief of the tobacco growers? Mr. Stone. I think not, Mr. Byrns. Mr. Byrxs. I ask that question because I know some of them are in distress. I may be mistaken about it, but I think I noticed that in the Russellville, Ky., market the other day tobacco sold for 4.2. I think it was. Mr. Stone. 1 think it was around an average of 414. Mr. Byrys. Of course, that is not half of what it costs to pro- duce it. Mr. Stone. It is way below the cost of production. Mr. Byrns. Some of those farmers undoubtedly are now, or later on will be, in bad shape, if they are forced to sell their tobacco at that price. Mr. Stone. Yes. You will remember, Mr. Byrns, when you came to see me 1 got a bulletin out, published about 12 months ago— Mr. Byrns (interposing). Yes; I remember that. Mr. Stone (continuing). In which I reminded the growers that if they wanted to do anything in regard to this present crop that was the time to do it, that we could only assist them through co- operative-marketing associations, and I advised them very strongly to take the necessary steps for organization at that time. In addition to that, I have had Mr. Collins down there on three or four occasions, and I have had Colonel Rogan down there several times. He met with the various groups. I also had Doctor Bom- berger go down there at one time. I have always found that they would go just so far, but that they never could agree on any one plan. There is, for instance, one group, say, in Springfield, who want one thing, and there is another group m another section who are for another plan. The main thing I am interested in is to get them together and have the whole territory agree on a unified plan. Mr. Byrns. And when they do that— Mr. STONE (interposing). We are ready to do anything in the world that we can. under this act, to help them.