TRADE BETWEEN 1900 AND 1913 137 The final index to be considered, before attempting a compre- hensive review of the change in the terms of trade over the period, has reference to the price of labour services, a wholly domestic commodity. Wages data, while more satisfactory than for the preceding years, are compiled on a basis that is not TasBLE XXV Index of Wages, Australia 1900-13 BEF REOTIVE WAGES. Year. 1901 . 1902 1903 . 1904 . 1905 . 1906 . 1907 . i908 1909 1910 . 11 | . 1912 . * 1913 . Nominal Wages! Tnemploy- ment per cent? BR A 848 6-6 340 78 330 11-5 365 3.3 360 34 366 5-7 393 57 900 a0 923 5-8 955 56 ,000 4-7 ,051 | 56 0768 53 Retazl price index. Is] 380 929 | 310 358 901 302 897 951 248 970 +,000 1,100 | 1.121 Full work. D 964 950 950 | 280 976 | p60 p96 946 974 985 1,000 955 | 975 Allowing Jor unem- ployment. TT" 1.000 995 984 1,010 1,028 994 1,043 988 1,019 1,030 1,058 1,000 1.026 entirely free from criticism. It is only fair to say, however, that the authorities responsible for their compilation are fully aware of the limitations, and that the process constitutes a method of ‘sampling’ that is probably accurate in a high degree, except in abnormal years. The chief difficulty concerns the registration of unemployment, the factor which affects so seriously the index of effective wages. Prior to 1913 comparable statistics, allowing for variations in both the purchasing power of money and the volume of unemployment, cannot be computed with great accuracy. It is highly probable, however, that the index ' Computed by Knibbs for 1901, and 1908 onwards. Figures for 1902-5 com- puted by writer from data in Statistical Registers for Victoria and New South Wales. ? From Commonwealth Year Book for the years 1908 onwards. Earlier years omputed by writer from State registers. * Wholesale prices computed for Labour Bulletin, No. 1, Prices, Price Indexes and Cost of Living, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, 1912. 4 Commonwealth Year Book, Chapter XIII (No. 20), for years from 1908 onwards. Earlier years computed by writer from columns B, C, and D. 3710 =