IN RELATION TO PUBLIC BORROWING 181 even more marked. The figures for city municipal assessments indicate a much greater relative increase than even those for suburban residential areas. Again, for this period, the figures for successive sales at auction of business premises contain all the essential evidence of a rise in rents far greater than that which would be justified by the mere rise in the general price- 300 20 200 GREZA. 50 “A 1 4 — . 100 -- 1916 1920 1924 1928 Fre. XVI. RETAIL PRICES FOR GREAT BRITAIN, US.A, AND AUSTRALIA level. Similarly the increase in rents in both industrial and residential districts was also in excess of that due to the rise in prices. This has a most important bearing upon the costs of manufacturing, since, in computing wages for the purpose of arbitration awards, rent is one of the major factors taken into consideration.! The system of calculation used in the fixation of wages did not tend to minimize the increased nature of the L “The demand for food and housing is constant, urgent, universal; the demand for clothing is casual, fluctuating, particular.’—Chief Justice Higgins in the Engi- neers’ Case, 1921.