J of doing so will only be good if Governments do not take up large quantities of the available money for loans for other expenditure. A great part of the present taxation is, however, imposed for the purpose of what are called social services, for the maintenance of the unemployed and for other purposes which have nothing to do with the war. Taxation in this country per head of the population is higher than in any other country with which our Industries are in com- petition. This does not mean, of course, that each person in this country pays more than any person in any of the other countries concerned, but that the whole of the taxes levied divided by the number of people in the country gives a higher quotient. The following table shows roughly, not how much each person in the different countries named does pay, but how much he would pay if the total taxes were evenlv divided amongst all. TAXATION PER HEAD (excluding Local Taxation). Statement bv the Chancellor of the Exchequer—4th November. 1930. COUNTRY. United Kingdom and | Northern Ireland. france van ae Germany aie res Relgium ven al [taly ... whe a [Mnited States of America. Population (latest estimate). 45.754.000 41 130.000 64,132,000 (excluding Saar), 2 906 000 41 .488.000 123.305.0400 Estimated Taxation. £718,080.000 (including tax on motor vehicles) French francs 51,379,033,137 (in- cluding sinking fund taxes (actiaal) 1929). R.M. 10,265,800 000 (ex- cluding taxes levied by States). Belgian francs 8.300.600.0060 Lire 17.914.000.000 ... $3,702,000,000 (exclud- ing States taxes) Date 1930-31 1930-21 1020-21 1020 1020-21 1020-31 Taxation per head. £15 13s. 10-8d French francs 1,249 £10 2a 0d. * R.M. 160 £7 178 0d * Belgian francs 1,039 £5 14s. 0d.* Lire 431-7 £4 148. 0d. * $30 £6 8s. 04.* * Calenlated at average rate of exchange for 1st nine montha 1930. Taxes are not divided equally. Not only do some of the people pay most of the taxes, but to a great extent people who pay most of the taxes obtain no benefit from some of the purposes to which the taxes are applied. All benefit by Police protection,