Cotton 11 fuinots Central Kailroaa Fic. 9. Loading cotton on a Mississippi packet boat. One of these broad, flat-bottomed river boats, with the barges that it can tow, will transport thousands of bales of cotton. for automobiles. Moreover, most farmers of the South cannot afford to own so expensive a conveyance as a motor truck, especially since it is little needed except for the few months in the year when cot- ton is being transported. During much of the remainder of the time the truck would be idle, while the mule can then be used for plowing, drawing the planting machine, and cultivating. In the city, on the other hand, the motor truck is used economically to carry the bales to the factory, since the factory needs a constant supply at all seasons, and since the truck may be used also to take away cloth or even to bring coal and other supplies. Moreover, the truck is used far more economically on the paved city streets than on the dirt roads of country districts. COTTON MANUFACTURING We have followed cotton through two of the great fields with which commercial and industrial geography deals — primary production and transportation. Now we are ready to see what happens to it in the third great field — manufacturing. Manufacturing Processes How cotton is cleaned. In the cleaning room of the factory a workman swings an ax, the iron bands of the cotton bale are broken, and the cotton springs to double the size of the bale. At once it is thrown into a great bin where men loosen the large wads, and later