12 Modern Business Geography swing Galloway Fig. 10. The weaving room in a modern cotton factory at Lowell, Massachusetts. it is cast into the mouth of a machine to be cleaned. In the cleaning machine the fibers are thoroughly picked apart, so that all the dirt collected in the field or on the journey to the mill may drop out. How cotton is spun. Let us follow our cotton hastily through the many processes of the mill. There are more than forty steps to be taken before it becomes finished cloth, but we shall observe only the main ones. Spinning is one of the chief steps. To prepare the cotton for spin- ning, a great machine brushes it, straightening out tangles and care- fully arranging the fibers in parallel order. The machine delivers the cotton in the form of a thick, porous ribbon called a sliver.” The sliver is passed through set after set of rollers which gradually pull it into a soft, fuzzy thread. Many threads are then twisted to- gether by a spinning machine. The twisting makes strong, compact, smooth “yarn,” such as the thread we buy for sewing. We can get a good notion of how thread is spun by pulling a bit of cotton batting or absorbent cotton from a roll and twisting it between the thumb and forefinger. We should have difficulty in making a smooth thread of uniform firmness. Yet in ancient times spinning was carried on in almost this way. Even now, in backward regions such as the interior of China, central Brazil, and remote parts of India, people employ this crude method of spinning cotton for their simple clothing. Progressive peoples early began to in-