PART ONE Tue FieLp or PriMARY PRrobpuUcCTION CHAPTER TWO THE UNITED STATES AS A FARMING COUNTRY WHEN man obtains wild honey from a forest, gold from river gravels, grass from natural meadows, or fish from streams, he simply reaches out and takes what nature has produced. For such products, nature does nearly all the work. In most cases, however, man and nature enter into a more nearly equal partnership. They work together as producers. In agriculture, for instance, nature supplies soil, wind, rain, and sun; man furnishes seed and tools; and both partners work vigorously to make the crop profitable. In mining, nature furnishes deposits of rich ores that she has been storing up for ages, and it is man’s work to discover and extract them. Forests are like mines in that they are nature’s storehouses. In the field of primary production we shall study the materials that are produced by man and nature together. The occupations of primary production. Five occupations—farm- ing, fishing, mining, lumbering, and hunting — represent the ways in which man obtains products directly from nature. Except for hunt- ing, which is of little commercial importance, these primary occupa- tions are all practiced extensively in every continent, most of them in every country, whereas manufacturing is highly developed in only a comparatively few advanced countries. The primary producers supply the world’s pantry and the stock room for all manufacturing plants. Without them, the world’s activities would come to a stand- still. We shall study the four chief primary occupations separately, beginning with farming. The importance of farming. Farming is the most important of all occupations. In the world as a whole the number of people engaged in it and the value of its products make it more important than all other occupations combined. In some countries, such as India, Hungary, and China, more than two thirds of the men are farmers. Even in the United States, where manufacturing, commerce, and mining are of great importance, a quarter of the men are farmers.